This is yet another article about the dangers of texting and driving, but there are many more statistics and information that most other articles. I am going to do my project on the phenomena that is texting and driving, and will find articles for the next few weeks pertaining to this topic. Hope I don't bore you too much with the repetitive articles... Something interesting that I found was that insurance companies are now researching phone company records so that they can determine if their insured was texting while the accident occurred. This is important because they will drop your claim and make you pay for the damages if they find you to be texting and driving at the time of your accident.
A new system is being developed and will be on shelves soon. This system can read all emails, text messages...etc and acts like a mobile secretary for your vehicle in case your business on the phone is too important to wait until parked.
-Experts say driving while texting is leading factor in accidents
-Four states actively attempting to ban driving while texting
-Studies show 46 percent of drivers ages 16 to 17 admit to texting while driving
-Electronic Virtual Assistant lets you dictate text message responses
Texting and driving is definitely an important issue that needs to be addressed in every state. It is strange to think that the DMVs haven't passed laws yet to ban an activity that is certainly more dangerous than talking while driving, as a user absolutely cannot text without taking his or her eyes off the road. It would be interesting to see a study that compares the difference between talking while driving and texting while driving in terms of the level of distraction. Are our conversations worth risking our lives and the lives of others? Probably not.
ReplyDeleteI certainly agree. I think that there is some sort of law in New York state that prohibits cell-phone use is a moving vehicle, but obviously it is almost impossible to enforce. I think more drastic measures should be taken and stricter penalties enforced. The car companies or the state itself should think of in - built, short range, signal scramblers that block service while the car is in motion.( I know high profile places like embassies and parliaments have those to prevent attacks from cell-activated explosives and such)
ReplyDeleteSome might argue that this infringes on basic personal liberties, but I deem it necessary. Anything can wait long enough for the car to come to a stop, especially if lives can be saved.