A new technology is being worked on that could possibly save many lives and many auto-accidents. The technology is a system that can both send messages to the outbox and read messages from the inbox aloud. It is a program that links to your cellphone, and will actually read you incoming messages and will type messages based on your voice. It seems like a voicemail type program, but smarter because it does not just record and store messages.. it reads, writes, talks, and sends messages.
The company jumping on the genious idea is called ATX, a company that already provides technology for some of the leaders in the auto industry such as Lexus, Mercedes Benz, and Rolls Royce. The next thing I wonder is how much will a program like this cost? And will people be willing to spend the money? Most people have that "it will never happen to me attitude", and I cannot see why an auto accident caused by texting would be any different. I'm interested to see what the future will bring.
Since it seems more and more states are banning texting and driving, this sounds like a really good idea. Now, it will be interesting to see if people actually embrace it.