Sunday, December 6, 2009
Texting Accidents
Monday, November 30, 2009
Trolley Texting
Monday, November 23, 2009
Texting Leads to Tragic End for Train and Passengers

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
MTA Bus Driver Hits FIT Student

An MTA bus driver recently struck and killed a 22 year old FIT student from Westchester. Witnesses say that the young man was sprinting through an intersection and did not make it accross in time.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Depressing Truth
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Driven to Distraction

Monday, October 26, 2009
Virtual Death

"Several studies have shown that distractions while driving, such as using cell phones or texting, can be dangerous. New research confirms these findings among teens".
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Where to Draw the Line?

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Possibly the Answer??

A new technology is being worked on that could possibly save many lives and many auto-accidents. The technology is a system that can both send messages to the outbox and read messages from the inbox aloud. It is a program that links to your cellphone, and will actually read you incoming messages and will type messages based on your voice. It seems like a voicemail type program, but smarter because it does not just record and store messages.. it reads, writes, talks, and sends messages.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Dangers of Driving and Texting

This is yet another article about the dangers of texting and driving, but there are many more statistics and information that most other articles. I am going to do my project on the phenomena that is texting and driving, and will find articles for the next few weeks pertaining to this topic. Hope I don't bore you too much with the repetitive articles... Something interesting that I found was that insurance companies are now researching phone company records so that they can determine if their insured was texting while the accident occurred. This is important because they will drop your claim and make you pay for the damages if they find you to be texting and driving at the time of your accident.
A new system is being developed and will be on shelves soon. This system can read all emails, text messages...etc and acts like a mobile secretary for your vehicle in case your business on the phone is too important to wait until parked.
-Experts say driving while texting is leading factor in accidents
-Four states actively attempting to ban driving while texting
-Studies show 46 percent of drivers ages 16 to 17 admit to texting while driving
-Electronic Virtual Assistant lets you dictate text message responses
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Tragic Texting

Legislation was recenty proposed by Senator Chuck Schumer that would place a ban on text-messaging while behind the wheel. We have all heard the tragic stories of texting and driving, and the life altering (and sometimes ending) consequences that this seemingly harmless act can cause. While 14 states have already enabled similar proposals to be accepted, not all 50 states have incorporated the proposal.
As a means of motivation for these states to indoctrinate the ban, federal fincancing for highways would eventually be cut by 25% for the states who do not comply. In response, and in order to restore itself on top of the automaker industry, Ford has publicly stated that they agree with the proposal and that they back it. While most of the article is centered around Ford Motor Company and what heroes they are for backing the bill, I think we have a larger issue on our hands. I do not understand how only 14 out of 50 states have complied with this ban.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Trashing some Technology

The article.. which turned out to be more of a slideshow with captions.. was another fine product of The New York Times Technology section. The premise of the article was to examine how robotic technology in Japan has become less useful in the recent months. Being that Japan is taking part in the "deepest recession in more than a generation", the exporting bohemeth has found that much of its robots have been idles or sent back to their manufacturers as a result of limited production in the manufacturing industry. Aside from robots with the primary function of work, other robots (used for entertainment or even as pets in some cases) have also been scrapped as their price tags seem rediculous in the current economic state.